About the 21st Congress

The 21st ICOWHI Congress Scale and Sustainability: Moving Women’s Health Forward will be held November 6 – 9, 2016 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Baltimore, Maryland (USA). Registration is now open.

Who should attend

Individuals who are committed to promoting health, health care, and well-being of women throughout the world through participation, empowerment, advocacy, education, and research. This includes, but is not limited to, women’s health providers, planners, and advocates from all over the globe.


Initiate meaningful conversations among researchers, clinicians, educators, and community advocates moving to enhance empowerment, decrease inequity, and promote the health and well-being of women worldwide.

To, for the first time on a global scale, address women’s health in the context of sustainability and the new Sustainable Development Goals.

If you require a formal letter of invitation for visa purposes, please complete the survey here.

Congress Schedule

This schedule is subject to change. Please check back for the latest version.

Sunday, November 6, 2016
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm CHECK-IN 2nd Floor Foyer
Monday, November 7, 2016
Time Session Location
9:00 am – 9:30 am Opening Ceremony and Awards

Dr. Patricia Davidson, Dean and Professor, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Sponsored by Johns Hopkins Medicine, USA

Grand Ballroom
9:30 am – 10:30 am General Session: Gender equality and empowerment: the key to the health of women and societies

Dr. Ana Langer, Professor, Harvard University, USA

Dr. Afaf Meleis, Dean Emerita and Professor, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Moderator: Dr. Antonia Villarruel, Dean and Professor, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, USA 

Grand Ballroom
10:30 am – 10:45 am BREAK
10:45 am – 11:45 am General Session: An impact agenda for women’s health

Dr. Keith Martin, Executive Director, Consortium of Universities for Global Health, USA


Dr. Nancy Glass, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Grand Ballroom
11:45 am – 12:45 pm LUNCH SESSION:  Pigs for Peace/Rabbits for Resilience: Microfinance programs for empowerment of vulnerable rural households

Dr. Nancy Glass, Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, USA

Dr. Remy Mitima Mpanano, PAIDEK Microfinance, Democratic Republic of Congo

Cobalt Ballroom
12:45 pm – 2:00 pm Breakout Session 1: Ending poverty and addressing social determinants of women’s health

12:45pm: Dr. Elaine Dietsch, Griffith University, Australia

Moving women’s health forward in the Kivu provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo: Using a sustainability goals framework

1:00pm:  Dr. Elham Hassen, Evidence to Action Project, USA

An innovative public-private-community partnership to meet the PMTCT needs of under-served pregnant women

1:15pm:  Dr. Janet Wong, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Cohabitating women in abusive relationships were at risk of experiencing head-neck-face and multiple injuries: Results from a 5-year medical chart review

 1:30pm:  Dr. Solina Richter, University of Alberta, Canada

Exploring the needs and housing security of Ghanaian women – A multisite ethnographic study

 1:45pm: Mr. Mohan Paudel, Flinders University, Australia

Motherhood experiences and perinatal survival in mountainous villages of Nepal


Dr. Michele Decker,  Johns Hopkins University, USA

Ballroom I
12:45 pm – 2:00 pm  Breakout Session 2: Prevention and early intervention initiatives for women’s health

 12:45pm: Dr. Martha Goedert,  University of Nebraska, USA

Simulation for life saving, sub-Saharan Africa, rural hub and spoke outreach

1:00pm: Dr. Amy Lee, Johns Hopkins Hospital, USA

Screening out the violence

 1:15pm: Dr. Deborah Finnell,  Johns Hopkins University, USA

Alcohol SBI for health promotion: Prevention of FASDs

1:30pm: Dr. Busisiwe Purity Ncama, University of Kwazulu-Natal, Republic of South Africa

Evaluation of the project on “Healthy Mothers and Healthy Babies by Empowering Midwives”

1:45pm: Dr. Kulrawee Wiwattanacheewin, Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand

Gender difference on sexually experienced, sexual risk perception and condom use among Northern Thai adolescents


Dr. Siriorn Sindhu, Mahidol University, Thailand

Dr. Anne Teitelman, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Ballroom II
12:45 pm – 2:00 pm Breakout Session 3: Maternal and child health

12:45pm: Ms. Ying Yang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Determinants of sleep quality among pregnant women from the People’s Republic of China

1:00pm: Ms. Chantelle Allen, Jhpiego, USA

Equipping and empowering midwives to improve quality of maternal and newborn health services in Ghana: The low-dose, high-frequency (LDHF) approach to training

1:15pm: Dr. Shahla Cherazi, University of California San Francisco, USA

Postpartum depression – implications on mother-infant attachment

1:30pm: Ms. Cynthia Vlasich, Sigma Theta Tau International, USA

Transforming maternal-child health

1:45pm: Dr. Mona Hairmour, MacEwan University, Canada

Reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health in the sustainable development era: A conceptual framework for integrated innovation


Ms. Lauren Ayres,  Johns Hopkins University, USA

Dr. Phyllis Sharps, Johns Hopkins University, USA

2:00 pm – 2:15 pm BREAK
2:15 pm – 3:30 pm Breakout Session 4: Gender equality and improved women’s rights

2:15pm: Mr. Zeyu Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

The experience of Chinese female undergraduate nursing students in participating in nursing-related extracurricular practice activities: A qualitative research

2:30pm: Dr. Hae-Ra Han, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Barriers and facilitators of pap testing among women living with HIV

2:45pm:  Ms. Batsheva Guy, University of Cincinnati, USA

Terminating a wanted pregnancy: A phenomenological narrative study

3:00pm: Dr. Margarethe Hochleitner, Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria

Networking as a career tool for students – is there a gender difference?

3:15pm: Ms. Kimberly Jarvis, University of Alberta, Canada

Exploring the needs and challenges of women reintegrating home after an obstetrical fistula repair


Dr. Grace Chen, Johns Hopkins, USA

Ms. Aimee Robles, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Ballroom I
2:15 pm – 3:30 pm Breakout Session 5: Strategies to reduce violence against women and girls

2:15pm: Ms. Sarah Shannon, Hesperian Health Guides, USA

Helping community-based health organizations prevent violence against women

2:30pm: Dr. Phyllis Sharps,  Johns Hopkins University, USA

Lessons learned from a multi-site perinatal home visiting trial addressing intimate partner violence

2:45pm: Dr. Su Kyung Kim, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Identifying barriers and local strategies for addressing intimate partner violence against ethnic minority immigrant women in the U.S

3:00pm: Dr. Nancy Glass,  Johns Hopkins University, USA

The MyPlan study: Preliminary results from the effectiveness evaluation of an online/app based safety decision aid for college survivors of dating violence and their concerned friends

3:15pm: Dr. Michele Decker, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Implementing IPV screening and brief intervention in family planning programs:  A mixed methods evaluation


Dr. Debra Anderson, Griffith University, Australia

Dr. Jacquelyn Campbell, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Ballroom II
2:15 pm – 3:30 pm Breakout Session 6: Women’s health policy and female aging

 2:15pm: Ms. Rebecca Safely, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Adapting the quality care model to guide women-centered care in the third stage of labor

2:30pm: Dr. Charlotte Seib, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Sleeping disturbance among older women in Vietnam: Results from the Vietnamese Women’s Wellness Research Program.

2:45pm: Ms. Alexandra Walton, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Mode of delivery impacts maternal childbirth experience over a decade after delivery

3:00pm: Dr. Charlotte Seib,  Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Health behaviour, menopausal symptoms, and functional health and wellbeing in midlife and older Australian women: A pooled analysis of the Women’s Wellness Research Program (WWRP)

3:15pm: Dr. Janiece Walker, Johns Hopkins University, USA

The relationships between racial discrimination, depressive symptoms and pain in African American women with OA


Ms. Sabianca Delva, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Dr. Josefina Tuazon, University of Philippines Manila, Philippines

3:30 pm to 3:45 pm BREAK
3:45 pm – 4:45 pm General Session: Integrating policy and programs to improve women’s health

Dr. Beth Collins Sharp, Director, Division of Program Innovation, Department of Health and Human Services Office of Women’s Health, USA


Dr. Donna Strobino,  Johns Hopkins University, USA

Grand Ballroom


4:45 pm – 6:30 pm  



Cobalt Ballroom
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Time Session Location
8:00 am – 9:00 am  



2nd Floor Foyer
9:00 am – 10:00 am General Session: Robust and Frugal Technologies for Maternal Health

Dr. Muhammed Zaman, Professor, Boston University, USA


Dr. Peter Johnson, Jhpiego, USA

Dr. Wen Shen, Johns Hopkins, USA

Grand Ballroom
10:00 am – 10:15 am BREAK
10:15 am – 11:45 am General Panel Sessions

Topic: Overview of InterLACE

  • Dr. Gita Mishra, University of Queensland, Australia
  • Dr. Debra Anderson, Griffith University, Australia
  • Dr. Hsin-Fang Chung, University of Queensland, Australia

Sponsored by the Johns Hopkins Krieger School of Arts & Sciences, USA

Topic: Workforce development to better women’s health: How do we know what works?

  •   Ms. Marion Subah, Jhpiego, Liberia
  •   Dr. Nay Linn, Jhpiego, Myanmar
  •   Ms. Ukende Shalla, Jhpiego, Tanzania


Dr. Leslie Mancuso, Jhpiego, USA

Grand Ballroom
11:45 am – 12:45 pm  



Cobalt Ballroom
12:15 pm – 12:45 pm LUNCH SESSION A: Virtual Publication Workshop

Dr. Eleanor Krassen Covan, Professor, UNC Wilmington and Editor-in-Chief, Health Care for Women International

Dr. Elizabeth Fugate-Whitlock, Lecturer of Gerontology, UNC Wilmington


Dr. DeAnne Hilfinger Messias, University of South Carolina, USA

12:15 pm – 12:45 pm LUNCH SESSION B: Indian women’s health initiative and the Maanasi Clinic Program

Dr. Amita Gupta, Associate Professor and Deputy Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Clinical Global Health Education, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Dr. Geetha Jayaram, Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Dr. Patricia Davidson, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Cobalt Ballroom
12:45 pm – 2:00 pm Breakout Session 7: Sustainable and inclusive environments for women

12:45pm: Ms. Sara Shishehgar, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

A qualitative investigation of applied resilience strategies by Iranian asylum seeker women living in Australia

1:00pm: Dr. DeAnne Hilfinger Messias, University of South Carolina, USA

Living in limbo: Community asset mapping by Latina residents of Texas/Mexico border colonias

1:15pm: Ms. Francoise Mbaka, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Investment in women’s health and economic progress in sub-Saharan Africa: Altering cultural norms

1:30pm: Dr. Nancy Glass,  Johns Hopkins University, USA

Examining stigma, mental health, and school attendance with young adolescents and parents in rural post-conflict Democratic Republic of Congo

1:45pm: Dr. Ladda Thiamwong, University of Central Florida, USA

Perceptions of disaster preparedness among frail older women in Thailand


Dr. Angelika Bader, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Gender Studies, Austria

Dr. Anne Teitelman, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Ballroom I
12:45 pm – 2:00 pm Breakout Session 8: Chronic and mental illnesses

12:45pm:  Dr. Charlotte Seib, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Stressful life experiences across the lifespan and their association with unhealthy lifestyle behaviors and risk of major depressive symptoms: Results from the Australian Women’s Wellness After Cancer Program (WWACP)

1:00pm: Ms. Sabianca Delva, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Review of community-based participatory research approaches to improve cardiovascular health in Hispanic immigrants

1:15pm: Dr. Siriorn Sindhu, Mahidol University, Thailand

Factors influencing functional status of women with heart failure

1:30pm: Ms. Malee Ngamprasert, Mahidol University, Thailand

Quality of life in Thai women with cervical cancer

1:45pm: Mr. Abdusemed Mussa, Pathfinder International, Ethiopia

Risky sexual behavior and factors associated with it among public and private secondary school students in Addis Ababa: A cross-sectional comparative study: 2015


Dr. Lauren Osborne, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Ms. Deepa Oja,  Johns Hopkins University, USA

Ballroom II
12:45 pm – 2:00 pm Breakout Session 9: Family planning and women’s health

12:45pm: Dr. Shiela Strauss, New York University, USA

Correlates of depression among adult women with diabetes in the United States

1:00pm: Dr. Elham Hassen,  Evidence to Action Project, USA

Improve access and uptake of family planning for post abortion clients in Togo

1:15pm: Dr.  Susan M. Kiene,  San Diego State University, USA

Identifying potential avenues to help women get their partners to test for HIV in Rural Uganda

1:30pm: Dr. Michelle DiGiacomo, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Mothers and grandmothers navigating caregiving in Aboriginal childhood disability

1:45pm: Ms. Erin Portillo, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Forgotten audiences – using SBCC to address advanced maternal age and high parity pregnancy


Ms. Karen Nelson, Planned Parenthood of Maryland, USA

Mr. Maude Theo Matthai, Johns Hopkins University, USA

2:00 pm – 2:15 pm  





2:15 pm – 3:30 pm Breakout Session 10: Understanding risk factors in women’s health

2:15pm: Ms. Moselene AR du-Plessis, University of Pretoria, Republic of South Africa

Communication cultural barriers influencing sexuality education between mothers and daughters in Tshwane, South Africa

2:30pm: Dr. Jom Suwanno, Walailak University, Thailand

Risk of major adverse cardiovascular events in post non-ST elevation myocardial infarction patients: Is the risk level and risk index in women different from men?

2:45pm: Ms. Juk Suwanno, Walailak University, Thailand

Clinical presentation of ischemic stroke: Differences risk factors and illness severity among women and men

3:00pm: Ms. Orapen Sukhavulli,  Walailak University, Thailand

Gender differences in early access to definitive care in patients with acute ischemic stroke

3:15pm: Dr. Kader Tekkas, Koc University, Turkey

Exploring college-aged men’s perspectives about men and masculinities a road map to preventing violence against women in Turkey


Dr. Michelle DiGiacomo, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Mr. Thitipong Tankumpuan, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Ballroom I
2:15 pm – 3:30 pm Breakout Session 11: Leveraging technology

2:15pm: Dr. Anne Teitelman, University of Pennsylvania, USA

A technology enhanced intervention increases uptake of HPV vaccine among young women ages 18-26

 2:30pm: Dr. Debra Anderson, Griffith University, Australia

Womens Wellness after Cancer Program (WWACP) – a multisite centre randomised controlled trial examining the benefits and cost effectiveness of an e-health intervention

2:45pm: Ms. Lauren Johnson, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Fidelity to see-and-treat algorithms for cervical cancer prevention: Evidence from Botswana

3:00pm: Dr. Carmen Alvarez, Johns Hopkins University, USA

“MyPlan/Mia”: An intimate partner violence intervention for Latinas in primary care

3:15pm: Dr. Rebecca Phaladi-Digamela, Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University, South Africa Basic emergency obstetric signal functions: Determining implementation by midwives


Mr. Erwin William Leyva, University of Philippines Manila, Philippines

Dr. Nancy Glass, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Ballroom II
2:15 pm – 3:30 pm Breakout Session 12:  Alternative approaches to women’s health

2:15pm: Ms. Angela Rao, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Prayer or spiritual healing for two generations of women: A nationally representative cross-sectional study.

2:30pm: Ms. Erin Portillo, Johns Hopkins, USA

The “Why” and “How” of the Urban Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Social and Behavior Change Communication Implementation Kit

2:45pm: Dr. Sophaphan Intahphuak, Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand

Anapanasati Meditation on Climacteric Women’s Health

3:00pm: Ms. Usa Thohinung, Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand

Quality of life and satisfaction in mother of child with cleft lip and palate

3:15pm: Ms. Chidchanog Mayurapak, Walailak University, Thailand

Development of the rehabilitation program integrating Buddhist-based teaching for Thai Buddhist women with lower extremity injury


Dr. Margarethe Hochleitner, Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria

Dr. Gita Mishra, University of Queensland, Australia

3:30 pm to 3:45 pm  



3:45 pm – 5:00 pm General Sessions

Topic: Facilitating Women’s Transitions in Later Life and Chronic Conditions

·         Dr. Michelle DiGiacomo, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

·         Ms. Anna Green, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

·         Dr. Patricia Davidson, Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, USA

Topic: Burden of road traffic injury to women and global health

·         Dr. Samath Dharmaratne, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka


Dr. Sarah Szanton, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Dr. Wendy Grube, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Grand Ballroom
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Time Session Location
8:00 am – 9:00 am  



2nd Floor Foyer
9:00 am – 10:00 am General Session: Women and Heart Disease

Dr. C. Noel Bairey Merz, Professor, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center


Dr. Cheryl Dennison Himmelfarb, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Dr. Pamela Ouyang,  Johns Hopkins University, USA

Grand Ballroom
10:00am – 10:15am  





10:15 am – 11:30 am Breakout Session 13: Sex and gender issues in clinical care

10:15am: Ms. Miriam Moagi, University of Pretoria, Republic of South Africa

Mental health challenges of lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender (LGBTs community: An integrated literature review)

10:30am:  Dr. Wendy Grube, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Creating women-centered partnerships to address health disparities

10:45am:  Ms. Angela Rao, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Which gender specific cardiac rehabilitation models best reduce cardiovascular risk in women

11:00am: Dr. Diane O’Leary, Georgetown University, USA

The gender principle as a barrier to health care access for women

11:15pm: Dr. Wallapa Boonrod, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand

The model of SUT – nursing instructors’ caring behavior in nursing education at Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand


Dr. Hae-Ra Han, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Dr. Martha Hill, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Grand Ballroom I
10:15 am – 11:30 am Breakout Session 14:  Prevention and education initiatives

10:15am: Ms. Zoe Hendrickson, Johns Hopkins University, USA

What do we mean by empowerment? Exploring the intersection of migration and household gender dynamics in Nepal

10:30am: Ms. Lauren Johnson, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Implementation of cervical cancer prevention programs in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review

10:45am: Ms. Grace Muthumbi, International Medical Corps, Kenya

Integrating cervical cancer screening and treatment into HIV prevention and care

11:00am: Ms. Erin Portillo, Johns Hopkins, USA

Using SBCC to spark LARC conversation among youth and providers

11:15pm: Ms. Wanwadee Neamsakul, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand

A development of teaching and learning clinical practicum in labor room for nursing students by using VARK learning styles


Ms. Francoise Mbaka,  Johns Hopkins University, USA

Dr. Kamila Alexander, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Grand Ballroom II
10:15 am – 11:30 am Breakout Session 15: Intimate partner violence and sexually transmitted diseases

10:15am: Ms. Kriti Jain, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Post-traumatic stress disorder, neighborhood satisfaction, and social network characteristics among women at risk for HIV/sexually transmitted infections (STI)

10:30am: Dr. Yukiko Washio, University of Delaware, USA

Perspectives on HIV testing among low-income postpartum mothers

10:45am: Dr. Kyounghae Kim, University of Connecticut, USA

Decision making about Pap test use among Korean American women: A qualitative study

11:00am: Dr. Su Kyung Kim, University of Pennsylvania, USA

How can intimate partner violence screening be improved for ethnic minority women in health care settings?

11:15pm: Ms. Roumporn Kongumnerd, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand

STIs/HIV risk perceptions and protective behaviors among female adolescents in Thailand


Dr. Carmen Alvarez, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Dr. Phyllis Sharps, Johns Hopkins University, USA

11:30 am – 12:00 pm  Closing Session



Grand Ballroom

Location & Accommodations

Four Seasons, Baltimore

Located in the new and evolving Harbor East neighborhood, the Four Seasons is just steps away from historic locations including the Inner Harbor, Little Italy, Fells PointFederal Hill, and Locust Point–home to the famous Fort McHenry. Accessible by foot, water taxi, and the free Charm City Circulator, the Four Seasons is the perfect hub to explore Baltimore’s best attractions and activities.


Take advantage of our special Four Seasons conference rate of $289.00 per night using code: CI1116JHU until October 7, 2016.

Reserve a room now here or by calling +1-410-576-5888. You can enjoy this scenic venue at the discounted rate three (3) days prior and after the conference (based on availability).

After October 7, 2016, please contact us by sending an email to [email protected]  to inquire about rate availability.

Four Seasons amenities

Conference attendees enjoy:

  • Spa treatments (20% discount from Monday-Thursday, based on availability)
  • Health and Fitness Club (complimentary)
  • Internet access in guest rooms (complimentary)

Make a reservation at the Four Seasons and enjoy all the benefits of staying at our conference venue.

Alternative accommodations

Rooms have also been reserved at the following Baltimore hotels, all within walking distance of the conference venue:

  • Homewood Suites$179/night (until September 7, 2016)
    • Reserve online by clicking here.
    • 888-429-7481, give group code ICO
  • Hilton Garden Inn$169/night (until September 7, 2016)
    • Reserve online by clicking here.
    • 888-429-7482, give group code ICOW
  • Courtyard Marriott$169/night (until September 26, 2016)
    • Reserve online by clicking here.
    • 443-923-4000, give group code JSNC
  • Hyatt Place Inner Harbor, $159/night (until October 1, 2016)
    • Reserve online by clicking here.
    • 410-558-1840


Fees & Cancellations

Attendee Registration Date Fee
Members Early Bird (on or before April 30, 2016) $750*
May 1, 2016 to October 31, 2016 $850*
November 1, 2016 to November 4, 2016 $900*
Non-members Early Bird (on or before April 30, 2016) $850*
May 1, 2016 to October 31, 2016 $950*
November 1, 2016 to November 4, 2016 $1,000*
Students Up to October 31, 2016 $350
November 1, 2016 to November 4, 2016 $400


*Price includes 2017 ICOWHI membership at a cost of $100. Membership fees are discounted to $30 per year for residents of countries classified as low and lower-middle income by the World Bank.

By registering for the ICOWHI Conference, you agree to the polices listed below.

Cancellation by Sponsor/Vendor

Please contact us at [email protected]

Conference Cancellation & Refund Policy (by Participant)

Registration cancellations received prior to May 6, 2016 are eligible to receive a refund less a $50 service fee. Cancellations received May 7-August 5, 2016 are eligible to receive a 75% refund. Cancellations received August 6-October 3, 2016 are eligible to receive a 50% refund. No refunds after October 3, 2016.

Cancellations received after October 3 will not be eligible for a refund. All refund requests must be requested in writing by the registrant or credit card holder. Refund requests must include the name of the attendee and/or transaction number. Refunds will be credited back to the original credit card used for payment. If payment was submitted by check, a check will be requested and processed for the refund. No exceptions.


A registration substitution can be arranged at any time without penalty.

U.S. Visa Information

Many non-U.S. citizens need a visa to enter the United States to visit. Use this helpful visa wizard created by the United States’ Department of State to learn about the process according to your individual situation.

If you require a formal letter of invitation for visa purposes, please complete the survey here.

Activities in Baltimore

Please visit the following external sites to learn about what to do in Baltimore and Maryland while you are here for the 21st ICOWHI Congress.

This educational activity has been submitted to The Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing as a joint provider for nursing contact hours.

 This educational activity is jointly provided with The Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing.

The Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

 Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres (WHOCCs) for Nursing and Midwifery Development
Taylor & Francis Group
Penn Nursing Science
Johns Hopkins Medicine
 Sigma Theta Tau International
Krieger School of Arts & Sciences

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